



WordPress Theme Customizer


This is an awesome option since it’s built right into WordPress! The WordPress Theme Customizer makes it easy for users to make personalizations to their theme without having to know any code. Best of all, as they change the tagline, upload a logo, change the background color or anything else they can see their edits in a live preview as they make them. This way they can view their changes before committing to a specific font or color.

Again, since this is already a part of WordPress there’s nothing to install. It’s already in your theme panel under Appearance. There are directions on WordPress.org (and all over the internet – just Google it) for how to extend the customizer to add options for just about anything you can think of including custom post types, sliders and more.

Learn More About The Customizer

Redux Framework


The Redux Framework can be used both as a plugin or built-into your theme/plugin for adding options but also it includes a powerful post meta class so you can add meta options to your posts and pages as well as support for the Theme Customizer.

We’ve used the Redux Framework in our Total WordPress theme as it allowed us to add a ton of powerful settings for controlling theme colors, layouts, backgrounds, social settings, image cropping options, font options..etc.

Redux is one of the most powerful Options Frameworks out there and is also very well supported by the developers. We actually like it so much that we’ve already sent them several donations. Plus, they are working on some awesome premium add-ons that will add even more functionality.

Get the Redux Framework Plugin

Options Framework Plugin


The Options Framework Plugin is a great way to add extended customization options to your WordPress theme. In fact, we’ve even used this plugin on some of our WPExplorer Premium Themes (take a look at our Ultra theme, and all of the Authentic Themes creations use it). The plugin supports just about any customization you can think of such as text boxes, color pickers, images uploads and typography options just to name a few. Building your custom options is also a snap, since the plugin developer (Devin Price) packed a helpful “options-check” folder that acts as an options blueprint into the github download.

Installation couldn’t be easier. Just get the plugin from the WordPress plugin directory to get started. Then define all of you lovely theme options in the options.php file and the Options Framework Plugin will automatically show them.

Get the Options Framework Plugin

Fluent Framework


The Fluent Framework is a very advanced development Framework for WordPress that is not only good for creating theme admin panels but also for metaboxes, user meta, taxonomy meta and more! This means you can use the single framework essentially for all your non-template functionality. The Fluent framework was created by “nohalfpixels”, released on July 8 of 2014 and is sold on CodeCanyon for a very affordable price.

Learn More About Fluent

Slightly Modded Options Framework – Now Part of Redux!


SMOF is a powerful options framework born from the combination of the Options Framework Plugin mentioned above an, KIA Options Framework, and some UI ideas fro the OptionTree Plugin. At WPExplorer, we’ve used SMOF on a bunch of recent themes (take a look at Cleaner, Foxy, and the new Office 2.0) because it’s easy for users to understand, it integrates seamlessly into WordPress Themes, and it makes it possible to add advanced options like drag and drop homepage sections and customized slider management.

Adding SMOF to your WordPress theme is quick and painless. Paste the code into your functions.php file, reset you database, and add your options to the theme-option.php file. And if you get stuck, there is documentation and a support forum to help you out.

Notice: This plugin has merged with the Redux Framework above, so please us that one instead!

Get the Slightly Modded Options Framework

OptionTree Framework Plugin – Now Part of Redux!


This clever little plugin was actually sponsored by ThemeForest to give their authors a great option for adding theme options in a way that users can understand. OptionTree gives theme developers the change to provide lots of options for designers/users that buy their WordPress themes. With the 2.0 update, OptionTree has the ability to exist in your theme root directory so you can use it through settings/meta-boxes and those who buy your theme can’t break the OptionTree options if they change any of the UI Builder settings. Another great option is the import/export for theme options and data so you can package different theme options versions with your theme.

Another super easy installation. Get the plugin form the WordPress plugin directory, activate it, and then use the documentation if you need more help.

Notice: This plugin has merged with the Redux Framework above, so please us that one instead!

Get the OptionTree Plugin

UpThemes Framework


UpThemes created this awesome framework based on the Settings API. The framework also uses the built-in WordPress media uploader to keep it light and secure. You can add lots of customization options for your users like colors, layouts, fonts and more. Plus, UpThemes built-in a live theme customizer so you can preview each of your customizations (i.e. a color swatch or font snippet).

You have two options – either download the framework from github and paste the unzipped contents into your options.php, or add the framework as a submodule to your theme (this way any updates to the framework will be automatic). There is a whole Getting Started Guide on the UpThemes Framework page with detailed instructions, making both installation methods super easy.

Get the UpThemes Framework

NHP Theme Options Framework


The NHP Options Framework is derived from a mix of the Options Framework Plugin and the UpThemes framework. This framework has user friendly settings tabs, integration with the WordPress built-in Settings API, custom error tools and messages, and best of all you can easily customize and extend this framework. Create custom fields (text, buttons, uploads, tags, colors, checkboxes, etc.) or validations (urls, HTML inputs, hex values, dates, etc.) with extendible field classes and validation classes – or do both with callback functions.

To install NHP Theme Options just add the bhp-options.php to you functions.php file. Easy peasy. There’s also a massive WIKI with all kinds of information about the framework and should help with almost any question you might have.

Get the NHP Theme Options Framework

Your Experiences

We want to know if you’ve used any of the above frameworks and how you like it. Leave a comment below and show your experience and recommendations!



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            麻烦问一下,现在什么框架会比较好呢?看了下Option Framework,好像好长时间没更新了,不知道兼容性如何了。



          :?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
