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Line25 Line25 is the drawing board for web creatives, presenting web design ideas and inspiration in the form of tutorials, articles and interviews.
Claude Anthropic is an AI safety and research company that's working to build reliable, interpretable, and steerable AI systems.
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Midjourney An independent research lab exploring new mediums of thought and expanding the imaginative powers of the human species.
WebCAD 软件的主要特点为云端操作,一个账号搞定!操作习惯与AutoCAD几乎完全相同;满足设计师随时随地设计打开查看、修改图纸的需求,摆脱以往复杂操作,无需安装;设计师不仅可以用软件进行二维平面图纸设计,还能进行三维立体衣柜设计并且实现实时渲染,任意更换材质;无缝实现二维三维视图任意转换
GT3 themes We design and develop premium WordPress themes. The most easy to use responsive, parallax, one page and other themes. Discover the power of GT3!
BetterWp A WordPress-dedicated website developed in the hope for a better WordPress world. You can find easy tips, in-depth articles and useful WordPress plugins!