WordPress Site Editor(网站编辑器),是区块编辑器进一步延伸,简单地说就是可以可视化编辑网页上所有元素,需专门的主题。本文以WP默认主题Twenty Twenty-Two为代表,推荐几款支持网站编辑器的主题,当然了这些主题都极其简单,基本没有什么使用价值,只适合学习参考。
Jace -New!
A blog theme in black and gold; the colors of New Orleans Saints :). Mix circular images and triangular shapes with vertical text.
Armando is a basic blog or sports theme in white and dark blue and silver details. This is a starter block theme with several different block patterns and styles to choose from.
With this theme, I wanted to explore adding sidebars as templates.
Twenty Twenty Two
TT1 Blocks
The full site editing version of the previous default theme Twenty Twenty-One. (Not updated for WordPress 5.9)
Tove -By Anders Norén
Want to learn how to create WordPress themes like these? Start with this lesson.
Aino -By Elma Studio
Q -By Ari Stathopoulos
Q is made by WordPress Core and Editor contributor Ari Stathopoulos (@Yoast). Ari is also a former team representative for the WordPress.org themes team. Q was the first full site editing theme to be added to the WordPress.org theme directory.
Hansen -by UXL
Pria -By UXL
Alara -By UXL
Zelia -By UXL
Blockbase -By Automattic
Blockbase child themes:
Naledi -By Anariel Design
Clove -By Anariel Design
Gutena -By ExpressTech Systems
Frost -By Brian Gardner & WPEngine
Rick -By WPEntire
Bai -By Seedwebs
Emulsion -By Nobita
Nominal Block -By Theme 404
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@ I'm song 文章中的外来语,还真没有任何翻译的必要