I am continuing Top DeviantArtist worth watching series and now I stopped to the best web designers I could find. I only listed those artists, whom layouts I found to be really unique and inspiring, taking classical web design actually to the next level. These layouts are really artworks with amazing details, You usually don’t see browsing through the web. Consider this article as inspirational article now and if You choose to watch those artists, then inspiration blasts in long term. At first I wanted to pick only 2 website examples from each artists, but there was several so amazing webdesigns, where I couldn’t stop and picked 3 or 4 examples. Enjoy this list, hope this will help to get inspired in regular basis!
1. Elusive – (22), from Canada.
2. ECP-Pro – Kim Roar Dag Steen Trollsås (18), from Norway
3. Fel1x – Felix Valentin, from Germany
4. Nikeos – (19), from Israel
5. JK89 – Justinas Krasuckas, from Lithuania
6. blind91 – Sebastian (18), from Germany
7. kakkr – from United Kingdom
8. mindfuckx – Jan Van Lysebettens (24), from Belgium
9. nodethirtythree – from United States
10. tehacesequence – Marcin (25), from Poland
11. Pixelbudah – Oasim Karmieh (28), Romania
12. TIT0 – Alexandr (24), from Russia
13. depthskins – Damian Madray (23), from Canada
Very loooooooooooong and beautiful website artwork – be sure to check it out in fullscreen.
14. sone-pl – Krzysztof Kolatorski (32), from Poland
15. Gregbike – Grzegorz Gawlik (22), from Poland
16. l-a-m-p-e – Philipp Lampe (20), from Germany
17. alexdesigns (19)
18. Frostenblade – (19), from Singapore
19. Jedi88 – Dennis, from Germany
20. Jimmybjorkman – Jimmy Björkman (18), from Sweden
[ad#bildes-ads]21. Ld-sign – Sascha Zemke (20), from Germany
22. Pho3nix-bf – Lucas (28), from Poland
23. JuliusX – Ali (20), from United States
24. Osec – Daryl Ginn (19), from United Kingdom
25. Nas-Wd – Nasir Wadood (24), from Pakistan
26. zee7 – Zulal (20), from Pakistan
27. Zhyphyr – Paris Miguez (28), from Spain
28. Pazdan – Tomek (22), from Poland
29. G30dud3 – George English (16), from United Kingdom
30. TurokFreak – Evertt De Sousa (25), from Brazil
31. Frose – (20), from Germany
32. Uribaani – Miika Ahvenjärvi, from Finland
33. CC-Designs – (18), from Germany
34. Carl06 – Carl (19), from Germany
35. Koenigpersoenlich – (16), from United States
36. Nonlin3 – Martin, from Poland
37. Rheyzer – Reynan Alibuyog (23), from Philippines
38. Outlines – Dimiter Tzankov, from Bulgaria
39. Sansana – Daria Michalska (20), from Poland
40. Niponwar – Vladimir Chernov (19), from Canada
Ok, so this is pretty much it – at least for me this collection is in gold value, I just love web design, though I am lacking time, but in future, I’m sure I’ll release some good templates,themes and so. Enjoy, get inspired and watch those artists!
Add some more links, if You know very good web designers, who are not on this list!

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