

CSS(层叠样式表)是当今网页设计的标准,每一个平面设计师至少应该简单掌握和了解HTML与CSS编码技能,更好地运用CSS,控制间距,边框,定位,边距,填充,颜色,字体,背景图片,悬停效果以及更炫目的效果。 网上有很多CSS学习资源,下面的35个关于CSS的网站可能有助你提高CSS技能,更用效地运用CSS。

1.W3Schools CSS Tutorial Section

2.HTMLDog – CSS Tutorial Section

3.CSS-Tricks Tutorials, Articles And Screencasts

Great website maintained by Chris Coyier, who constantly offer on his site many useful CSS tutorials and screencasts.

4.Google Videos – CSS

5.A List Apart – CSS Tutorial Section

6.RichInStyle CSS Tutorial Section

7.HTMLGoodies CSS Tutorial Section

8.CSS-Discuss Wiki Tutorial Section

9.Positioning Is Everything

10.Learn CSS Positioning in Ten Steps

11.456BereaStreet: The CSS, HTML, and JavaScript Lab

12.CSSBasics Tutorials

The following chapters cover all the basics of CSS design.

13.CSS-Play – List of Demonstrations

14.Tizag CSS Tutorial Section

15.CSS Help Pile

A huge pile of CSS-related tips, tricks, showcase sites and resources – everything in very well categorized way.

16.Holy CSS Zeldman! – CSS, Accessibility and Standards Links

Huge resource and link collection covering everything releated to coding, CSS, standards, books and so on.

17.Eric Meyer : CSS Section

18.Andy Budd Links

Big collection of websites and CSS related articles.

19.CSS Zen Garden

Beautiful website showing a demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through CSS-based design. Select any style sheet from the list to load it into this page. You can download HTML and CSS file to inspect each design submitted here and learn how unique CSS effects are achieved!

20.Delicious CSS Tag

Delicious takes care of big statistics and you can rapidly find out – what’s hot now in CSS section (recent/popular) and also try to use not only CSS tag – but CSS together with Tutorial, Reference, Blog etc. to filter that list more suitable to your own needs.

21.MaxDesign CSS Tutorial And Resource Site

CSS resources and tutorials for web designers and web developers – various collections with many navigation examples( Listamatic, Listamatic2) and several tutorials (ListTutorial, FloatTutorial,SelectTutorial) as well.

22.CSSEasy Tutorial And Resource Site

Free fixed and fluid CSS layouts, the modern way to learn CSS – inspect youself premade layouts to get better understanding how they work.

Select a layout and go to “View > View source” to view the layout’s source, then copy-paste the code in notepad and safe the file as index.html. Study the code and watch the changes when you change something. (best results with Firefox, download link available in the webmaster tools section on this site)

23.EchoEcho CSS Tutorial Section

24.CSS-Discuss Information

This site is primarily intended to be a place for authors to discuss real-world uses of CSS. This doesn’t preclude discussions of theory, or nifty cutting-edge tricks that show off the power of CSS, or even talking about (X)HTML, DOM, and so forth. Site has nice Wiki CSS section!

25.Web Design From Scratch

Scratchmedia are a London UK based Web design agency, which has impressive collection of web design related tutorials and articles, CSS section featured here.


These tutorials on web design/CSS makes learning this stuff fun and easy – you will be up and running in no time because it ain’t that hard!

27.CSS Dog Resources And References

Learn about CSS shorthand properties, CSS references and CSS3 selectors all in one place!

28.Web Developer’s Handbook

Huge resource list site featuring many articles and websites, which are directly related to web developing process, which also include CSS of course!

29. CSSDocs CSS Properties

CSS Documentation Shortcut – just input your interesting css property and you’ll get full explanation to it, very handy, if you know what are you searching for, but forgot how specifically code looks.

30.Stylegala CSS Reference Section

31.CSS 3 reference guide, tutorials, and blog

32.CSS Cheat Sheet

Extremely useful one page CSS cheat sheet – I strongly suggest to print it out for later reference.

33.CSS Property Index

All CSS Properties Listed Alphabetically

34.Sitepoint CSS Reference

35.WestCiv CSS Tutorial Section



评论  6  访客  5  作者  1
    • Mars
      Mars 2


      • 郭健
        郭健 1


          • 知更鸟

            @ 郭健 嗯,国内的教程也多数是翻译国外的

          • 小张
            小张 0


            • 金玉
              金玉 0


              • shepgala
                shepgala 0




              :?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
